Guiding Light

Installation at Wembley Park, Winter 2022 - 2023

Immersive light trail through the Bobby Moore Bridge and on Totems on White Horse Way and Olympic Way outside Wembley Stadium.

Have you ever looked up to the night sky and been struck by the wonder of possibility - as the stars and galaxies stretch out into infinity? Exposure to such vast space and time can make us feel insignificant and small. Yet, each one of us is really as big and everlasting as the entire universe - as we are, in fact, one. The instinct to seek guidance from the universe has always been part of us throughout history. The tides are guided by the moon; scientists look for answers to questions big and small by looking far out, or far within. Some people’s daily decision-making is even impacted by the zodiac chart. This immersive art installation aims to fill you with wonder, spark imagination and bring you comfort that the universe does have a plan. The artwork, titled A Guiding Light, takes inspiration from the most powerful space telescope ever built, NASA’s James Webb Telescope. For the first time, it brings us images of some of the first galaxies ever formed, inspiring and reminding us of the most fundamental questions that remain unanswered.

Printed banners by Louisa Smurthwaite and Douglas Green

Chelsea Fire Station


The Spanish Steps