Highly Commended

Solo Show, Kindred Gallery, London February 22nd to 29th 2024

Immersive installation gallery show utilising audio-visual, interactive sculpture, painting and collage and a collaboratively-created artwork.

When I was approximately 8 years old, I submitted a painting I had created to a county-wide school art competition. Despite not securing first, second, or third place, I received a highly commended certificate. While I did generally have a talent for creative projects from a young age, my time at primary school was overshadowed by struggles with spelling and writing due to dyslexia. Feeling neither happy nor popular, I found solace in artistic expression, viewing it as one of the few aspects where I felt valued. However, receiving a "highly commended" designation felt beyond inadequate to me, and highlighted my feelings of lostness, leading me to tear up my certificate upon returning home. The following day, during a school assembly, the headmaster announced a photo session for pupils who had been awarded certificates, prompting my confession that I had destroyed my certificate. Publicly reprimanded, I experienced heightened shame, as not only did I feel inadequate in my artistic abilities, but now everyone knew of my insecurities.

So, why would I tell you this: because to this day I still struggle with sharing my artistic practices despite the fact that, objectively, I have a professional artistic career and some career highlights to be truly proud of. With a new studio in which to work I have embarked upon this personal project for my own personal gain. To feel the fear and do it anyway, and in doing so I hope to grow as an artist and person. I invite you to join me on this journey and perhaps face your own nightmarish childhood experiences and allow them to be banished to the relics of history. 

Some photos with further documentation coming soon:


Wemba's Dream 2021


Coming Soon - Wemba's Dream 2023